Thursday, May 7, 2009

hot chest!

been having interesting 'sin'sations in my chest since monday. oh, first i have an arrhythmia. 
was diagnosed in the states before i came to japan, over 15 yrs ago.
actually had heart surgery with a catheter in japan by a western trained japanese doctor about 7 yrs ago at Josei Jidai. it's a women's college hospital specializing in heart problems.
he said he needed to "laser out the bad parts".

well, i let him and i actually had a regular heart beat for a while but then the beat got funky again. consequently i'm easily excited. 

having a 'delayed' childhood due to being the oldest of four i tend to enjoy life to it's extremes.
well my heart increased in size by a third while 'enjoying life' and knocked me out to the point where i couldn't walk to the train station, which is important in tokyo if you wanna get anywhere.

well, i took it as a sign from the universe to 'straighten' up and went to the other extreme and got into Yoga, Chi Gong, vegetarianism and stopped all stimulants, drinking etc.
it was very expanding. at one point my art got a regular beat while in the middle of Meiji Jingu
doing Chi Gong in the early hours after sunrise.

it lasted for about a day and being the Aries/Rabbet i slipped back into 'having fun'.

i did stop taking the western medicine again and became immobile once again always running to western medicine for a quick fix. 

for the last year i've been taking both western and Chinese herbal medicine('kampo' in japanese) and have been 'enjoying life' until monday. having studied up on kampo and comparing all the different products available have decided it's time for a little self-diagnosis.

supposedly, in China, the doctor(漢方医-かんぽうい-kanpoui) is fired IF the patient gets sick. 

in the West it's a bit more passive and we all just do whatever we want until something happens, hoping it's not too late to recover.

now from my research the Western Way started with Aristotelian logic that a circle is a circle and not a square. in the Chinese perspective of Yin and Yang, a circle contains withiin it the potential of a square, and vice versa, and thus dichotomies are avoided.

ok, this posting is already toooooo long. 
will back on what 'self diagnosing' comes up.

kq - aka kampo queen

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